Every time I talk to somebody wanting to start growing their own food, they have the same question: What do I plant right now? Of course that depends on a number of things- like the time of year and the climate in your area. But the good thing is, no matter what month it is or which state you live in, you can use one resource to find out the best veggies and herbs to plant right now: The Farmer’s Almanac Planting Calendar.
The chart lists fall and spring planting dates for about twenty common crops for both fall and spring. Just enter your city, state or zip code and you’ll get the appropriate planting calendar for your area. Each calendar shows the best weeks to plant. The fall calendar also lists the days necessary for the plant to mature, and whether or not it’s frost hardy.

You don’t necessarily have to plant the seeds on the first available date, but don’t wait too long or you’ll run the danger of not getting your plants grown and harvested in time before the first fall or winter frost. Here in Baltimore, for example, now is a good time to plant some bok choy, kale or swiss chard.
Once you’ve chosen which plants you want to grow, you can also check out the Farmer’s Almanac Growing Guides for more specifics on each plant. The guides will show you how to plant, grow and harvest hundreds of common vegetables, herbs, fruit, flowers, shrubs, and houseplants.
So happy gardening! Let us know what you’re planting for the cool season.